Friday, December 5, 2008



Adding a kick to your coffee is easy! Just add a few shakes of ground cinnamon on top of your coffee grounds before you brew. You don't have to invest in expensive beans, although the higher they are in quality, the better your coffee will taste. But even ordinary canned or freeze-dried coffee will benefit from a touch of spice.

Make Cinnamon Mocha by dissolving a teaspoon or two of instant Hot Chocolate to your cinnamon coffee, especially special on a blustery day. Mmmmmmmm……!

1 comment:

  1. Hi ej,
    I happily have been reading your writing! Thought to check it last week and was pleasantly surprised to see you have been at it for awhile. I'm enjoying catching up...

    I'm off to try the Cinnamon Mocha coffee. Sounds delicious and just the thing to warm me up on this very cold Saturday.

    Would love to see email from you...
    Hugs, Ethel


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